Uncomplicated wound care


Thank you for your call and the pleasant conversation we had about lovely XX (dog's name)

As agreed, you can try to treat your pet's wounds at home. Start by carefully trimming away the fur around the wound, but be careful not to cut the skin.


Then gently clean the wound with  water to remove wound exudate and debris. After this, you can, for example, use dilute Chlorhexidine solution (0.05%), which can be bought without a prescription at the pharmacy or clinic. Use a cotton ball and wash the wound again. Let dry. Repeat this wound cleaning 2-3 times daily as needed.

It is important to ensure that your animal is prevented from licking the wound, as this interferes with wound healing mechanically and also adds bacteria from the oral cavity to the wound. Place a plastic barrier collar on the animal and leave the wound open for ventilation. Plastic collars can be bought from the vet or in well-stocked pet shops. If you don't have a collar, you can cover the wound with a simple bandage or alternatively put a sock on the dog if the wound is on the paw.

NOTE Never fasten the sock with a rubber band, but use soft/elastic tape that you put around the leg without tightening so hard that you thereby compromising blood circulation to the area which could result in the paw becoming painful and swollen.

If the wound does not appear to be healing satisfactorily within 1-2 days, or if your pet develops a fever, pain or swelling, I recommend that you consult a veterinarian for a physical examination and further treatment.

Also think about your own hygiene when handling the animals' wounds; wash your hands before and after cleaning and preferably use disposable gloves.

It is also a good idea to ensure that the animal has clean surfaces in its basket and other resting areas.

You are always welcome to contact Agria Vet Guide again for a follow-up call.

Guide taggad med: dermatologi dermatology wound sår
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